A 10 week transformational group coaching journey for women of color 40+

It’s time to answer the call of your Soul.

You KNOW there is more…There is a deep calling in you that you can’t shake.
You are an ambitious woman who has accomplished so much, yet you still don't feel fulfilled. And you are more aware of time than ever before in this midlife.

What If Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine Could Unlock the Fullness of Your Divine Feminine Power?

Imagine a life where your true potential isn’t hidden beneath past wounds but ignited by the sacred reclamation of your essence.

Sacred Power – The Reclamation, is a life-altering journey for women of color 40+, designed to help you heal the masculine wounds, awaken your sensuality, and reclaim the path to your highest self. 

Your power is within you—it’s time to set it free. 

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

  • You feel unseen and unappreciated in your relationships and the world. Despite being the strong one everyone relies on, you lack a safe space for yourself, and you're exhausted from always holding it together.

  • You long to trust—trust men, trust yourself, trust the Universe—but fear and doubt have left you paralyzed. Midlife changes have shaken your confidence, wreaked havoc on your body, and you wonder if your time to thrive has passed.

  • You know you have so much to give, but you feel stuck creatively and emotionally. You yearn to feel alive and on purpose, but you’ve forgotten how to reignite that inner fire that once lit up your life

  • The pain of past betrayals and unhealed trauma from the masculine haunts you. It has closed your heart and body to love, intimacy, and joy, leaving you wondering if you’ll ever feel truly open again.

  • You’ve achieved success, but deep inside, you feel unfulfilled and disconnected from your true purpose. There’s an ache within, a knowing that there’s more for you - your sacred mission, but you’re unsure how to reach it.

  • You’ve lost touch with the powerful, vibrant woman you once were. Disconnected from your body, sensuality, and creativity, you find yourself going through the motions of life but missing the joy, play, and pleasure you crave.

You long for deeper connection with Spirit, to feel alive again, to reignite your sensuality and playfulness.

You yearn to leave a legacy that honors your soul’s mission


Unleash Your Sacred Power: Heal Your Relationship with the Masculine & Reclaim Your Soul’s Mission

Are You Ready to Embody Your Devotional Leadership and Create a Life of Freedom, Joy, and Purpose?

Heal the wounds of the past, reconnect with your divine feminine essence, and activate the power within you to live a life fully expressed, filled with love, abundance, and healthy relationships. This isn’t the next chapter of your life - this is the second half - a whole new book!

This is not a midlife crisis, but a midlife awakening!

It is time Beloved 🌹

In this journey you will

Reactivate your sensual fire, reclaim your ancestral gifts, and embody your devotional leadership so you can live FULLY expressed, in healthy, reciprocal relationships, lit up and on purpose with your creations to create the new world - together.

Step into your sacred power and reclaim the glorious, powerful woman you are!


It wasn’t until I shed my sexual shame from past traumas, reclaimed my ancestral gifts, and deepened my knowledge and experience in the art and science of transformation that I took risks to live the life of my dreams.

I am proof it is possible, once you learn how to honor your divine feminine, surrender to your worth and allow.

I Understand Because I’ve Been There.

I’m Diahnna Nicole Baxter, daughter of a sacred lineage of powerful women. I’m a transformational healer, and I understand the deep pain of broken relationships and the wounds inflicted by the masculine. My own journey began with trauma—abusive relationships, the betrayal of a father who wasn’t truly mine, and years of emotional turmoil. After years of unfulfilling relationships and emotional wounds with the masculine, I set out to discover the truth about my biological father and, in doing so, heal my own relationship with the masculine.

I prayed for clarity, and what followed was a deep transformation. Everything fell apart, but what I found was the truth of my power and the sacred wisdom that flows through my lineage. It was my ancestors and the sacred feminine lineage that held me through it all, and through deep healing, ceremony and bold action, I found my way back to wholeness.

I am an Emmy Award Winning Actress & hold a degree in African-American Studies and Literature from Duke University with a minor in Women’s Studies. My personal experience with trauma, betrayal, and ultimately, healing, led me to become a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Energy Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, and Visioning Coach.

Now, I help women like you heal the wounds of the past, reclaim their power, and live a life of deep fulfillment and devotion.

You deserve to experience this same freedom—just like me and countless women who, with my guidance, have finally released old traumas from their bodies and consciousness. They’ve fallen deeply in love with themselves, reawakened their divine power, and learned how to manifest and receive the life they truly desire. Now, it’s your time to step into this radiant Truth.✨

"When a woman truly claims her power, in radical acceptance of herself, providence aligns."

– Diahnna Nicole Baxter –


I am here to Guide you...


beyond the confines of your past, your ‘limited’ identity, and the trauma that has held you back.

Together, we will reclaim your sacred power by awakening your devotion to self, your divine purpose, and the ancestral gifts that flow through you.

It’s time to step into the fullness of your potential and experience more play, pleasure, abundance,


and the freedom to live a life aligned with your soul’s deepest calling.




Imagine if you could fully trust Life and yourself again. 

Imagine you open your heart again and trust in the beauty of healthy, reciprocal relationships.

You lead your life with an open heart, razor sharp discernment and a deep trust in your own inner compass.

A KNOWING  that you are a divine Creatrix with the power to create a life you love no matter your past, age, or dress size:)

Imagine if you could forgive the past and truly allow yourself to live that dream that has been calling you. 

Imagine a new world, one where you get the tools to heal yourself so that not only you, but the future generations are liberated and free to be their most authentic, powerful selves.

Imagine a life where your experiences of joy, happiness, love and pleasure are the new default.

All of these things get to be true for you...

  • You get to shine fearlessly without dimming your expression for other people’s comfort

  • You say ‘NO’ guilt free

  • You love who you are and receive support with ease

  • You take action rather than procrastinate on your creations that you love the most

  • You attract healthy, orgasmic, loving relationships 

  • All of these things get to be true for YOU!

So many people like you are still believing in the grind, achieving yet not living, terrified to truly dream and be their authentic selves…

instead of prioritizing play, pleasure and their divine sensuality.

Most women of color are experiencing life in a limited version of what they have been told is possible and they keep experiencing dis-ease in the womb, failed relationships, lackluster daily life and eventually depression.

Instead they could be thriving despite their trauma, impacting the world with their unique voice/message and having fun while doing it all!

This was me...

I was the over achiever who despite the “achievements” and success, was living a life that didn’t bring me much joy or pleasure. I hadn’t been able to integrate the decades of self-development work I did into my day to day life…


You’ve been experiencing this because you believe that you have to do it by yourself...

 You have been disconnected from your sensual divinity and carry shame that is not only yours, but deep wounds from your lineage.

You have forgotten that you are the Beloved and inherently have a power within and in the unseen that is constantly guiding you and loving you into your fullness.


You know how to give but you don’t allow yourself to RECEIVE.

It’s time to remember. 
Time to come home to yourSELF.

It's time to love on the little girl within & reclaim the "lost" parts of yourself.


It is time to Reclaim Your Destiny.

A Destiny that is not limited by the current oppressive systems in place. 

A Destiny that as you read this... you already feel it calling you.



A 10-week journey of profound healing, spiritual awakening, and embodied leadership. This is more than a course—it’s a return to your sacred feminine essence.

Through powerful energy work, ancestral healing, and embodiment practices, you will reclaim the divine union within you. It’s time to heal your relationship with the masculine, ignite your sensual fire, and step into the full expression of who you are.

Here’s What You’ll Receive:

1. Release Limiting Beliefs:  

Identify and clear subconscious beliefs rooted in family, society, and oppressive systems.

Through energy transmutation techniques and somatic practices, release blocks around relationships, sensuality, and self-worth.

2. Reconnect with Your Ancestral Lineage: 

In sacred ceremony, you’ll draw on the wisdom of your ancestors, the Grandmother’s with no names, reclaiming their strength and guidance as you walk your path towards liberation

3. Heal the Divine Feminine and Masculine Energetics:  

Balance and honor both your masculine and feminine energies through somatic practices, kundalini breathwork, and nervous system regulation. This is where your true liberation begins

4. Rebuild Your Relationship with the Divine:  

Rediscover the divine within you and heal the masculine wound often connected to religious conditioning. Reclaim the feminine voice in your spirituality.

5. Embody Your Sacred Power:  

Through Kundalini yoga, guided meditations, and embodiment practices, anchor your sacred power into every aspect of your life. Live from your heart with clarity, grace, and strength

This Is More Than a Course—It’s Your Reclamation of your soul.


PAY IN FULL AT $3K OR $500 over 6 months


What’s Included in the Program?

  • 4 Transformational Modules: Deep-dive training and teachings on healing your relationship with the masculine, embodying your sacred feminine power, and activating your soul’s mission. Workbook and replays of all videos included.

  • Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Calls: Live sessions where you’ll receive guidance, support, and accountability.

  • Kundalini and Breathwork Practices: Techniques to help you reconnect with your body, transmute energy, and release trauma.

  • Guided Hypnosis Sessions: Energy transmutation hypnosis to release guilt, shame, and fear.

  • Sacred Ceremony & Ancestral Connection: Group ceremonies to honor your feminine lineage and reconnect with the wisdom of your ancestors.

  • Private Community: A sacred space to connect, be witnessed, and support one another as you go through this transformative journey.


  • Exclusive Meditation Bundle: Special guided meditations for daily practice.

  • Bonus 1-on-1 Coaching Call: Personalized guidance to support you on your journey.

  • Lifetime Access: To all materials and future updates to the program.

  • PEH (Prosperity Energy Healing Group Session) I am certified in this powerful technique to help you amplify your money and clear any scarcity hooks. (valued @ $750)

By the end of this journey, you will:

  • Reclaim your sensuality and joy.

  • Heal wounds with the masculine and open yourself to love.

  • Deepen your current relatioships and call in aligned love

  • Experience more pleasure in the body and feel like the sensual goddess you are

  • Embrace your power as a creator and leader.

  • Live aligned with your divine purpose and mission

  • Be unapologetic with your voice and expression of yoour authentic self

  • embody confidence and take nbold action on the dreams you care most about

  • create new bonds with like minded women and learn how to be in sacred sisterhood

Are you Ready?

Results don’t take time, they take courage.

You were born ready. The time to reclaim your Sacred Power is now. Your soul has been waiting for this moment…

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My Signature W.O.M.A.N. is creator method:

diahnna nicole baxter


Womb healing & being witnessed


Owning our divinity and thus power


Manifesting the highest vision for this lifetime


Answering the call from our Ancestors to help birth this New Earth


Nourishing our bodies and nervous system with Kundalini Yoga

The 3 Stages of Reclamation:

Release, Reset, Reclaim

Stage 1: RELEASE

Sensual as sacred

Releasing the Inner Critic, Owning Your Sensual Self, Reconnecting to Your WOMB, Forgiveness Will Give You Everything

Stage 2: RESET

Visioning the Highest Love

Radical Acceptance, The Vision Blueprint, Recalibrate & Transmute Energy

Stage 3: RECLAIM

I AM the beloved

Trusting the Inner Guru, Breaking The Intergenerational Trauma Chain, Celebration as a Way of Life


This program is FOR YOU if you're willing to...

  • Clear sexual shame

  • End self-sabotaging habits

  • Manifest the highest love in all areas of your life

  • Amplify your radiance

  • Magnetize abundance

  • Free your authentic voice

  • Breakthrough limiting paradigms with coaching

  • Nourish your sensual self

  • Strengthen your nervous system and physical body with kundalini yoga & meditation


What my clients have to say...

“It's funny how much can change in 10 weeks…”

“Coach, you have this uncanny way of kicking someone in the butt while simultaneously giving them a hug and support. I'm pretty quick on my feet. I thought my normal quick quips and side stepping would be enough to get me out of conversations that I didn't want to have while in the program. I found out how clearly unmatched I was during our first class. I've never been a boxer but man I've been against the ropes in the ring with you Coach. You had a rebuttal, task, and deadline for everything I threw you way. #DamnDeadlineDihanna. 

I will never forget the time you had me call a former crush to break up with them during class. I was straight up having an internal anxiety attack, but I survived and ended up creating a boundary that was better suited me.

As a direct result of you pushing me to be proactive about my boundaries, my mother and I had the most beautiful and deeply healing experience of my life. I didn't think I could love her anymore than I already did, but I was able to lean into her even more. This was the source of so much joy for me. In addition to my bean bag, living alone, protecting my peace with boundaries, and starting to dream for myself. 

When I was thinking about ways to say thank you. I thought, what better way to honor the lessons I've been learning than to walk them out. This story, This very moment is the culmination of all of the lessons learned. 

This is me using my voice. This is me taking care of me. This is me asking for support when needed. This is me dancing like no one is watching. This is me making me laugh. This is me being bold. This is me being fearless! This is me changing the vibration of how I talk and think about myself. This is my loving me. This is me sharing my joy.

This is me being a joy alchemist. 

Tonight I lived out my dream to be a low-key comedian and fulfilled your prophecy, Coach. The beauty of tonight is that there is no way I could lose! I couldn't think of a better way to end our time together. 

Thank you for your time, your love, and your support.

– April Johnson


“I really leaned into my power.”

“I am no longer scared of everything and know what is rightfully mine and go after. NO MORE LIMITING BELIEFS!

  • I applied to a PhD. Program to help chart my own path. Got in!

  • Spoke my truth to power at my job. 

  • Set boundaries with men – I’m dealing with only the qualified who pursue in a consistent and loving way and leave if not. Without guilt or fear.

I am not going back, it feels too good to have broken free and believe in myself. That old Erica is gone. I just love that you give your full self whatever you do don’t change that.

My rating (1-10) for my current overall level of happiness is 4500!

You changed my life for the better.
Ain’t no stopping me now, I’m on the move!

On a scale from 1 – 10 my confidence to continue the work we began in coaching is 10000! I am never letting anyone other than me create my narrative. You showed me my dreams weren’t too big, I just needed a larger container. And I got that now baby!

I love you D, thank you for everything!”

– Erica Robbins

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Imagine what it would look like for you to have an abundant life that prioritizes pleasure & play!

A life where you know you are taken care of and get to

dream beyond your perceived limitations!

A life where you enjoy sharing your gifts and being seen!
